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LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings

LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings
LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings

LIÉ STUDIO The Julie Earrings


A pair of gold teardrop earrings hanging from a small round stud.


  • Gold

  • 18 ct gold plated sterling silver

  • For pierced ears

  • Round stud: 5mm diameter, teardrop pendant: 18mm long, total length: 27mm

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